
Daily routine and how it can help your freelance career

Read on to find out the benefits of having a daily routine, rather than winging it. I’m not a morning person. Every day I have to coax, persuade or downright trick myself out of bed to start the day. Whether it’s good coffee, bacon or an hour of gaming before I start work I sometimes … Continue reading “Daily routine and how it can help your freelance career”

Contracts for freelancers, associates or subcontractors

There’s much  to be thankful for as a freelancer, with all the freedoms and flexibility your status provides, but sometimes it’s easy to get carried away by this new found autonomy and forget to ensure that your contractual back is covered. Here’s our three top tips to ensure you stay protected and keep enjoying your … Continue reading “Contracts for freelancers, associates or subcontractors”

“Deep Work” and how it will help your freelance business

In this blog we’ll discuss the concept of ‘Deep Work’, why it’s important to your freelance work and offer some tips on how to actually do this Deep Work. What is deep work? Deep Work is a term coined by author Cal Newport in his book “Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted … Continue reading ““Deep Work” and how it will help your freelance business”

Freelancers: Always Use A Contract & Terms

If you meet a friendly potential client it’s really easy to start work without having a contract or terms in place. It might be fine, but you might end up working for nothing or getting in trouble. I got fleeced by an agency one time – delivering their project to a tight deadline meant making … Continue reading “Freelancers: Always Use A Contract & Terms”

Managing Email As A Freelancer

While email is a great way of keeping in touch, email overload can turn out to be your enemy when working as a freelancer. Constantly checking emails and replying only bring you more emails to respond to. Striking a balance between being available and getting your creative work done is difficult. Set Aside Time For … Continue reading “Managing Email As A Freelancer”