
Freelance roundup – Jan 2021

Well we’re back in lockdown again here in the UK, after being allowed to meet up with people on Xmas day. It was nice to have ten days off from the web design business and see a good friend to spend the day in some kind of normality.

Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS)

It’s been quiet business wise in Nov and Dec so I claimed the SEISS v3 support for the self employed. I had saved for my tax bill and got that paid on time rather than taking the option to defer it because of Covid. Jan was a bit better, with some interesting new projects coming in.


My big news is that after years of meaning to rebrand my web design business, I’ve finally taken the plunge and decided to go ahead! Doing the exercises in the YearCompass planner definitely had some influence on this decision. I’m changing the business name and branding to appeal to more eco and ethical clients. As mentioned in my article on choosing freelance clients, it’s only fair to work with people I can give 100% to. I’ve noticed my motivation has been less during the pandemic, so it’s more important to me to be spending time working with eco, ethical and community clients that are having a positive impact on the world.

Mental Health

With the weather being terrible in the UK in Jan, it’s been a challenge to stay positive and keep my mental health up. Using some of the tactics from the Mental Health First Aid course I did in November, and making sure I get out for some exercise every day has kept me going. I’ve tried to get up earlier to make the most of the limited daylight. Doing socially distanced walks and bike rides with one person has been the backbone of my social life for a while now, but that has been tricky during the snow and cold weather! It seems to be picking up now and I’m looking forward to Spring and more sunshine.

How about you?

How was your xmas and freelance life in Jan? Feel free to leave a comment or reply on Twitter