
Nottingham freelance mastermind – finding meaning in our work

I’ve missed the peer to peer coaching ‘Masterminds’ from when I was travelling – how about we start one in Nottingham?


While travelling and working (AKA digital nomadding) many of the co-working spaces ran ‘mastermind groups’ where we supported each other, discussed our plans or cranked out a project or two. These sessions were also great for getting context of where we are in our careers, how we compare to others and what our next steps might be. This ‘peer to peer’ coaching was really useful for me and I’ve missed it since I’ve been back in Nottingham.

With a recent rebrand of my web design business I’ve focused more on the meaning of who I work for and how I do it. I’d love to meet other freelancers prioritising meaning in their work, rather than just making as much money as possible.

I’d like it to be in person as I’m sick to death of Zoom/FB groups/newsletters, so that means people in and around Nottingham really. Maybe a weekly or monthly meetup at a quiet cafe or Antenna to mastermind and then co-work? If you’d be up for that Tweet or email and we can work something out!